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Carib Lager - Singles 5.2% Alc Vol


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Carib Lager is the authentic, original, unique and defining icon of being young, modern and fashionable in Trinidad and Tobago. Launched on May 16th , 1950, this full bodied, clear and refreshing lager with 5.2% ABV is the flagship brand of Carib Brewery and the preferred brew of Trinidad and Tobago.

Carib Lager is deeply rooted in the way of life of the Caribbean people, the environment, and the distinctive and refreshing culture associated with the region – its Carnivals, music and sporting events. The brand is fashionable and youthful and very today, just like the people it represents, a people with vision for and of the future.

This brand has stood the test of time and has grown from strength to strength both in the Caribbean region and internationally. Carib's vision is to become the most sought after Caribbean beer in the international market place. This will serve as a platform for achieving brand internationalisation.

Know who you are. Drink what you like

Physical Taste Profile

Carib is a lager of European origin. It is a pale golden straw colour with a rich head formation. It is slightly aromatic, with a neutral balance between malt and hops, sweet and bitter. Medium-bodied mouth-feel leads directly to a semi-dry finish with only a hint of bitterness. No accented hop or malt character. Refreshing drinkability for a parched and thirsty palate. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Carib is brewed using sugar as an adjunct. The "clean label" policy applies i.e., no additives that have to be declared.

Original Gravity 11.6 - 11.9°P
Alcohol by Volume: 5.1-5.4%
Bitterness (BU) 14-16
Colour 5.5 - 7.5 EBC
Calorific value 120kcal/275ml

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  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Carib Brewery

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 30 August, 2013.

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